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3 Financial Wellness Tips For a Healthier Future; lady on phone

3 Financial Wellness Tips For a Healthier Future

“Financial Wellness”, a term that we’ve all probably heard too many times before.

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4 Budgeting Techniques for Long-Term Financial Stability; lady smiling on phone

4 Budgeting Techniques for Long-Term Financial Stability

When it comes to achieving long-term financial stability, it’s important to remember that it doesn’t always depend on your income.

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The Ideal Credit Score to Rent a House & Tips to Achieve It; man on computer

The Ideal Credit Score to Rent a House & Tips to Achieve It

In the UK, credit scores are provided by agencies like Experian, Equifax and TransUnion.

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Loan Consolidation Options What to Look For; man smiling at his phone

Loan Consolidation Options: What to Look For?

When it comes to managing multiple debts, the process can quickly become overwhelming and stressful.

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Rupert MacInnes joins the Salad Money Board

Ahoy for community finance provider bringing “democratising finance” advocate on board

Salad Money, a social enterprise launched in 2019 to provide an alternative to high-cost lending to people with full-time jobs who have poor, thin, or non-existent credit scores, has appointed Rupert

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4 Practical Steps Toward Achieving Financial Independence; man smiling at his laptop

4 Practical Steps Toward Achieving Financial Independence

As the UK bounces back from recession, this is the right time to start making more from your income and building financial independence.

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5 Tips to Reduce Expenses & Manage Money Better; man on phone

5 Tips to Reduce Expenses & Manage Money Better

ith the UK having just been through another recession, the economic climate is still uncertain.

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5 Benefits of Open Banking for Loan Applications; two women looking at phone

5 Benefits of Open Banking for Loan Applications

As the world moves towards an ever more connected digital banking system, open banking has become one of the most secure and transparent ways to access financial data.

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5 Reasons To Choose Payday Loan Alternatives; man on laptop

5 Reasons To Choose a Payday Loan Alternative

When it comes to payday loans, there are a range of opinions and thoughts revolving around them.

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4 Debt Consolidation Options to Make Your Life Easier; lady smiling at her phone

4 Debt Consolidation Options to Make Your Life Easier

Whether it’s credit card payments or loans, or a mixture of both, if you’re juggling multiple debts at once, it can be incredibly stressful.

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Dealing With Debt Addiction 4 Tips to Breaking the Cycle; lady smiling on her phone

Dealing With Debt Addiction: 4 Tips to Breaking the Cycle

Responsible borrowing is incredibly helpful in times of need, however, if not managed correctly, it can lead to compulsive borrowing behaviour.

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 Impulsive Spending Dealing With Unhealthy Spending Habits; man smiling on laptop

Impulsive Spending: Dealing With Unhealthy Spending Habits

Modern day consumerism often nudges us towards impulsive spending.

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