Salad Money join the APPG on Open Banking and Payments

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Salad Money join the APPG

Salad Money join the APPG on Open Banking and Payments


We’re pleased to announce the Salad Money has joined the All Party Parliamentary Group on Open Banking and Payments. The group has been established to ensure that Open Banking delivers maximum benefit and value to consumers, businesses and government; promotes effective competition and choice; reduces the cost of payments; supports innovation; and ensures that customers benefit from technological advances, and that new entrants and smaller providers can compete more fairly.



At Salad Money we truly believe in the power Open Banking has and we’re excited to add our knowledge and expertise on the subject. Open Banking has the potential to help consumers across the UK have better access to all sorts of financial products, including credit, as we are proving. Through our input we aim to help support the APPG in the promotion and growth of Open Banking across the UK, as it is our firm belief that the process should be available to all.


You can read more about what you banks say on Open Banking here.

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