Salad Money 2022/23 Impact Report

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Salad Money 2022/23 Impact Report

In 2022-23 we helped customers and applicants to:

Save an average of £497 in interest each, on an average loan amount of £973 - keeping £13.4m in their household budgets.

Identify £36.3m in unclaimed benefits they were entitled to each month, an average of £348 each (£4,176 per year).

Access £130,000 in hardship grant awards.

Salad Money has made extraordinary progress in 2022-23, accelerating the impact we make in a myriad of ways. We are proud of the outcomes we achieve for otherwise financially-excluded people. As a social enterprise and community development finance institution we are at the vanguard of building a fairer and more inclusive credit market.

Our new report features accounts from many of our employees, customers and grant recipients alongside powerful data to illustrate our impact.

It also shows how banks, social investors, regulators and campaigners can address financial exclusion more effectively together. Together we could do even more to address the pernicious effects of bad, ugly or no credit for excluded households.

Read the impact report here:


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