5 Tips To Deal With Rising Energy Bills

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5 Tips To Deal With Rising Energy Bills; a man looking at his phone

As the winter takes over the country, households across the UK are struggling to make ends meet. With the energy crisis significantly affecting utility bills, low-income households are feeling the pinch more than ever before.

In times like these, managing the increasing expenses can seem frustrating and sometimes impossible. However, we’re here to tell you that with a few actionable steps, reducing the financial pressure to some extent is absolutely possible.

While the increased gas prices may seem like the only reason behind the rising energy bills, there are actually a number of reasons they may have gone up. The increase in energy bills can be caused by various factors including overcharges, errors, energy wastage and more.

Fortunately, there are a number of ways to manage these issues to keep your energy bills as low as possible. In this article, we will discuss 5 practical tips that can help you make the most of your budget and mitigate the impact of rising energy bills.

Let’s get started

Simplifying Energy Usage

One of the best tips for dealing with rising energy bills is to simplify the usage of energy in your home. Be mindful of the amount of energy you use and take essential steps to minimise it. 

Some practical tips to achieve this include boiling only as much water as you need, using the microwave for smaller meals and using heavy appliances mindfully. 

In fact, some suppliers charge more for the use of energy during peak hours and less for other periods. This means that by using your heavy appliances during non-peak hours, you can reduce your energy bills without decreasing your usage.

Spotting Overcharges and Errors In Your Energy Bill

It is absolutely crucial that you review your energy bills every month to spot any instances of overcharges or errors. Sometimes suppliers may add extra service or maintenance charges that you aren’t aware of. Keep an eye out for them and try to get them removed if possible.

On the other hand, an error in reading the metre might lead to a miscalculated energy bill. If you suspect an error like this, do not hesitate to get in touch with your provider and ask for clarification. You don’t want to be paying for energy you potentially didn’t use.

A tip for spotting such errors is to keep a record of your monthly metre readings. This will help you get an idea of your average monthly usage and make it easier to spot discrepancies in inflated energy bills.

Energy Efficiency

Although practising energy efficiency should be a year-round thing, it is especially beneficial during the winter months. Not only can it help deal with the rising energy bills but it can also help the environment.

Some measures to stay energy efficient include using lids on pots while cooking, turning down the thermostat by a few degrees, maximising the use of natural light and only running full loads in your washing machine and dishwasher. 

It is also a good idea to take shorter showers, which will not only reduce your water bill but also help save money on heating the water. Regular maintenance and cleaning of your heating system and other appliances can also help enhance energy efficiency.

Negotiating with Your Energy Provider

Many suppliers offer budget billing to their customers to make it easier for them to pay their bills. 

The concept is simple: your energy supplier estimates your annual energy usage based on your past consumption or property type and divides this estimate by 12 to create a fixed monthly payment amount. Then you pay the same amount each month regardless of the energy you use. 

However, while this may be beneficial for you in some ways, it may come with a few disadvantages. Make sure you thoroughly understand the offer before making a switch.

Choose Salad Money For Fair and Affordable Personal Loans

While rising energy bills are a major concern, these simple tips can help alleviate the financial burden to some extent. However, given the circumstances, it’s possible that these tips may not be as effective as you’d want them to be. 

In such trying times, when emergencies strike and you feel like there’s no way out, Salad Money offers much-needed relief. As one of the leading online lenders in the UK, we offer fair and affordable personal loans to help public and private sector employees deal with emergencies and make ends meet.

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What’s more, we are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), which means you can rest assured that you’re in safe hands.

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